Delta Township Professional Fire Fighters
IAFF Local 2846
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  • Resignations and Nominations
    Posted On: Dec 19, 2023

    Brothers and Sisters,

    Following the resignation of President Oberst, the executive board voted today to appoint me as Interim President. In that same meeting, the executive board accepted the resignation of Ryan Morrissey from the position of Shift 3 executive board member. I am writing to inform everyone, that at our January 3rd meeting we will be accepting nominations for both the positions of Shift 3 executive board member and president. If anyone has questions about their eligibility for these positions, please contact Secretary/Treasurer Schmedinghoff prior to January 3rd. 

    Please know that the executive board and former President and Oberst are working together to make this transition as smooth as possible. 

    Thank you,

    -Bob Urburtis
    (810) 599-5319

  • Delta Township Professional Fire Fighters, IAFF L2846

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